Since the end of 2009, news spurs the globe with the release of the Apple Tablet PC. First they say it was but a rumor then comes the date of the release. The New Year celebrations are over and the said rumors on this hot new gadget from Apple are finally confirmed, this time with certain additional gist to get people excited.
According to BGR Reports there are features that are sure to show power and something surprising to those who can’t wait to handle this baby (but I think since it’s been said, it’s not surprise anymore).
1. The tablet is said to be “out of control” when it comes to their multi-touch gestures.
2. It is powered by ARM CPU which is incredibly fast
3. Runs on the iPhone kernel
4. Has the internal model number K48AP
More on the Tablet, they say this is the reason why Apple hasn’t updated their iPhone OS. Let’s face it Apple have always been very secretive when it comes to their new gadgetry and only confirms them once days are running out before it hits the market. At this point releasing the OS update for the iPhone is like giving away another new detail about the Tablet since the said OS contains more tablet related codes or references.
Overall the Tablet is said to be an “íPhone in steroid”: very powerful and very advance.
iPhone has recently been compared to Google’s newest release: nexus One which is an android phone. The only win iPhone may have had is the fact that it gives more easy to understand apps that sure to give fun a brand new definition. With new OS it will sure boom boosters and give power a meaning it deserves.
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